








NERI ,NERI MOTORI、NERI电机, NERI MOTORI电机,NERI ,NERI MOTORI,NERI ,NERI MOTORI, NERI电机, NERI MOTORI电机, NERI MOTORI变频电机---厦门市斯维尔公司优势提供! NERI ,NERI MOTORI的详细介绍 NERI ,NERI MOTORI, NERI电机, NERI MOTORI电机, NERI MOTORI变频电机---厦门市斯维尔公司优势提供! ________________________________________________________________________________ A worldwide Italian brand since 1946. Neri Motori, with their longstanding experience, skilled staff and state-ofthe- art technology, is able to realize the highest quality products. Every motor is tested with electronic instruments, certified ISO 9001, designed to read the electrical and mechanical magnitudes in order to establish the nominal performance. Furthermore, every motor series is subject to reliability and endurance testing before being sent to production. As an extra guarantee for customers, end of line testing is conducted on all products. ________________________________________________________________________________ NERI MOTORI电机型号如下: M63C4 T56A4 0.06KW T132LM4 11.0KW T80A2 0.75KW T56B4 0.09KW T63A6 0.09KW T80B2 1.1KW T56C4 0.12KW T63B6 0.12KW T80C2 1.5KW T63A4 0.12KW T71A6 0.18KW T90S2 1.5KW T63B4 0.18KW T71B6 0.25KW T90L2 2.2KW T63C4 0.25KW T71C6 0.37KW T63B2 0.25KW G-160A T132L4 9.2KW T63C2 0.37KW G-180A T71A2 0.37KW T71C2 0.75KW T50A T50B T56A T56B T63A T63B T63C T71A T71B T71C T80A T80B T80C T80D T90S T90L T90LB T100A T100B T112A T112B T112BL T132S T132SL T132M T132ML T160MA T160MB T160L T180M T200LA T200LB AT56A AT56B AT63A AT63B AT63C AT71A AT71B TS90S TS90LB TS100B TS112B AS63B AS63C AS71B AS71C AS80B AS80C AS90S 厦门市斯维
“供应NERI ,NERI MOTORI、NERI电机, NERI MOTORI电机”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。